Creating a Whistleblower Policy for NGOs: Protecting Employees and Your Mission

Creating a Whistleblower Policy for NGOs: Protecting Employees and Your Mission

In the nonprofit sector, where trust and integrity are paramount, having a robust whistleblower policy is essential. From my experience working with NGOs and the government sector, I’ve seen firsthand how a well-structured policy can empower staff and volunteers to report misconduct, ultimately protecting the organization and its mission. Here are some first steps in creating a whistleblower policy, along with relevant examples.

Why a Whistleblower Policy is Essential for NGOs

  1. Encourages Reporting: I’ve found that employees and volunteers are much more likely to report unethical behavior when they know there’s a safe, confidential channel available.
  2. Protects Against Retaliation: A strong policy reassures whistleblowers that they won’t face negative consequences, which fosters an environment of trust and openness.
  3. Promotes Transparency: In my experience, an established policy demonstrates an NGO’s commitment to ethical practices, which is crucial for maintaining donor and public trust.
  4. Mitigates Risk: Early detection of misconduct can prevent reputational damage and financial loss, safeguarding the organization’s vital work.

Steps to Create an Effective Whistleblower Policy

  1. Define the Scope
    Clearly outline what constitutes reportable misconduct. For NGOs, this can include fraud related to funding, misuse of resources, discrimination, harassment, or violations of safety protocols..
  2. Establish Accessible Reporting Channels
    Offer various avenues for reporting, such as a dedicated hotline, email, or an anonymous online form. I’ve seen organizations thrive when they make these channels user-friendly and accessible to both staff and volunteers.
  3. Ensure Confidentiality
    Emphasize that all reports will be kept confidential. Employees should feel secure knowing their identities will be protected throughout the investigation.
  4. Outline the Reporting Process
    Clearly explain how reports will be handled, including who will investigate, the timeline for investigations, and how feedback will be communicated.
  5. Protect Against Retaliation
    Clearly state that retaliation against whistleblowers will not be tolerated. I’ve witnessed organizations falter when employees fear reprisal, so it’s crucial to communicate that retaliation is unacceptable.
  6. Provide Training and Resources
    Regularly train employees on the policy and the importance of reporting unethical behavior. I’ve seen the positive impact of well-informed staff who feel equipped to act.
  7. Promote a Speak-Up Culture
    Encourage open communication about ethical behavior and reinforce that reporting wrongdoing is not just acceptable but commendable. Leadership should model this behavior to cultivate trust.
  8. Review and Revise Regularly
    Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of your whistleblower policy. Gathering feedback from employees and making necessary adjustments can lead to continuous improvement.


From my experience, a comprehensive whistleblower policy is vital for NGOs to maintain trust, integrity, and transparency. By fostering an environment where employees and volunteers feel safe to report misconduct, organizations can protect their mission and uphold ethical standards.

Feel free to contact me to discuss more!


It is a pleasure to work with Christian. Dedicated, sharp, professional and to the point - while at the same time innovative and fun to be around. I am convinced that his open, honest and positive approach to sensitive issues as well as his ability to stay calm in difficult situations will make him an asset to all teams that he may choose to join. I recommend Christian unreservedly and would be happy to provide further oral or written references, upon requests.

Mette Thygesen
International Director, Danish Institute for Human Rights

Christian and was requested to assist the MFA with an urgent and difficult assignment with a very short deadline. Christian's well structured, systematic and professional approach secured the submission of a high quality report, which was instrumental in the further handling of our case.
Further recommendations can be provided upon request.

Birgit la Cour Madsen
Director at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Christian and was hired to prepare a Value for Money (VfM) study of our MAP programme, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation. As Danida have yet to produce any guidelines on VfM, Christian and his team developed an excellent methodology which can be utilised in other settings going forward. He produced an excellent VfM study with clear recommendations, which enabled us to move forward with the next phase of our programme. I can fully recommend Christian - please do not hesitate to reach out in case of questions

Miral Far
Private Sector Development Specialist at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark was selected to carry out a financial capacity assessment of a local organisation to assess if they were to receive direct funding. Christian carried out the assessment in a very professional manner and we were very satisfied with the dialogue, the process, and the outcome.

Troels Gauslå Engell
Chief Advisor at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

I am pleased to have worked with Christian on a development programme in Nepal that I managed and where Christian was involved as a short term adviser (2016-17). Christian is a dedicated and engaged team member with a great solution oriented mindset. He has excellent finance project management skills and pays great attention to details without losing focus on the overall plans, objectives and results. Christian is quick to understand the core issue of a challenge or request and is able to grasp detailed information in a short time. He takes on new tasks with great enthusiasm, curiosity and professionalism. Apart from that, Christian is also just a pleasant and fun colleague to work with. He has excellent people skills and a good sense of humor.

Kasper Thede Anderskov
Finance Specialist at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

WWF Denmark hired Christian to conduct an anti-corruption training workshop. We have been very pleased with the quality of the workshop, the facilitation and his ability to keep everybody actively engaged! Feel free to contact me in case you need further references. If you need a consultant within compliance, rest assured Christian will be able to deliver.

Maja Jakobsen
Senior Advisor, International Programmes at WWF Verdensnaturfonden

Christian was hired by the Embassy of Denmark in Bangladesh for the period Sept 2020 to Aug 2021 to support with a full and complete closure of a large development programme involving approx 45 staff, 1400+ assets and a complex control environment with associated risks and numerous audits to keep on track. During the closure, Christian demonstrated excellent oversight, management and communication skills. He developed and handled all relevant elements in the exit-plan in a structured and professional manner. The programme was completed and closed to our full satisfaction - in large part thanks to Christian and his team.

Lise Abildgaard Sørensen
Head of Cooperation, Embassy of Denmark in Dhaka

It is a pleasure to work with Christian. Dedicated, sharp, professional and to the point - while at the same time innovative and fun to be around. I am convinced that his open, honest and positive approach to sensitive issues as well as his ability to stay calm in difficult situations will make him an asset to all teams that he may choose to join. I recommend Christian unreservedly and would be happy to provide further oral or written references, upon requests.

Mette Thygesen
International Director, Danish Institute for Human Rights

Jeg havde fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med Christian i ca. 10 måneder i 2019/20, hvor Christian var ansat som konsulent i Gate 21. Christian hjalp os med med at kortlægge og optimere vores økonomiprocesser. Derudover spillede Christian en nøglerolle i en større gennemgang af vores projektøkonomi og verificering af den regnskabsmæssige indregning. Sidst, men ikke mindst var Christian en vigtig og værdifuld sparringspartner for mig som ny økonomichef i organisationen. Christian er yderst dedikeret og arbejder meget fokuseret og loyalt med sine opgaver. Han er fleksibel og ordentlig, og går lige den ekstra mil, for at levere varen. Med sit rolige gemyt og venlige væsen får Christian hurtigt skabt ro og tillid. Det har været en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen Christian

Majken Hansen
Vicedirektør og Økonomichef hos Gate 21

Christian is a very very pleasant person to both work with and spent time with privately. He is eager to make a difference and he has truly done that in Y digital. Christian came into our company at the right time for us, and he has as CFO helped us transform his department into a homogeneous unit. Christian has participated on all levels of our operations from actually doing shit to join board meetings. As his journey takes him to new opportunities I can highly recommend him and if needed please contact me for a personal recommendation.

Boye Hartmann
Networker for Businesses

Jeg har haft den store fornøjelse at arbejde tæt sammen med Christian mens han har været Budgetchef på CBS. Samarbejdet varede desværre kun 1,5 år, men i den tid har Christian helt klart rykket CBS' budgetopfølgning og analyserne i forbindelse hermed et væsentlig stykke. Christian arbejder meget engageret, systematisk og meget kompetent og leverer i den grad opgaven. Christian havde personaleansvaret for budgetafdelingen og beviste mens han var på CBS, at han til fulde evner denne opgave. Christian har en god og rummelig tilgang til andre mennesker, men ved også hvornår han skal være fast og stå ved sine meninger. Jeg kommer til at savne Christian og hans pragmatiske tilgang til arbejdet, men ønsker ham al mulig held og lykke i hans fremtidige karriere..

Camilla Schreiner Andersen
Økonomichef, Anlægsøkonomi


Global Expertise in Compliance and anti-corruption