Controlling / CFO services

Controlling / CFO services

As a controlling and CFO services expert, I provide businesses with ad hoc support in several areas to help them achieve their financial goals. One of my key strengths is in the establishment, analysis, and review of budgets, working closely with clients to ensure that budgets are accurate and aligned with their financial objectives.

I also excel in cost controlling, helping businesses to identify cost-saving opportunities and implement strategies to improve their bottom line. This includes conducting ongoing cash flow calculations and updates, providing insights and recommendations for financial optimization, and conducting strategic and financial controlling of activities.

In addition to this, I have supported businesses in reporting analysis, ensuring that their financial reports are accurate and comprehensive. I also work closely with clients to optimize their existing procedures, identifying areas for improvement and making recommendations to improve their financial processes and procedures.

Overall, I am passionate about helping businesses achieve their financial goals through effective financial management and control. I bring a strategic and results-oriented approach to all my work, and work closely with clients to ensure that their financial needs are met and their goals are achieved.

Establishment and review of budgets, along with cost-saving strategies for improved financial performance.

Delivering accurate and insightful financial reporting to guide strategic decisions and enhance financial health.


Jeg havde fornøjelsen af at arbejde sammen med Christian i ca. 10 måneder i 2019/20, hvor Christian var ansat som konsulent i Gate 21. Christian hjalp os med med at kortlægge og optimere vores økonomiprocesser. Derudover spillede Christian en nøglerolle i en større gennemgang af vores projektøkonomi og verificering af den regnskabsmæssige indregning. Sidst, men ikke mindst var Christian en vigtig og værdifuld sparringspartner for mig som ny økonomichef i organisationen. Christian er yderst dedikeret og arbejder meget fokuseret og loyalt med sine opgaver. Han er fleksibel og ordentlig, og går lige den ekstra mil, for at levere varen. Med sit rolige gemyt og venlige væsen får Christian hurtigt skabt ro og tillid. Det har været en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen Christian

Majken Hansen
Vicedirektør og Økonomichef hos Gate 21

Christian is a very very pleasant person to both work with and spent time with privately. He is eager to make a difference and he has truly done that in Y digital. Christian came into our company at the right time for us, and he has as CFO helped us transform his department into a homogeneous unit. Christian has participated on all levels of our operations from actually doing shit to join board meetings. As his journey takes him to new opportunities I can highly recommend him and if needed please contact me for a personal recommendation.

Boye Hartmann
Networker for Businesses

Jeg har haft den store fornøjelse at arbejde tæt sammen med Christian mens han har været Budgetchef på CBS. Samarbejdet varede desværre kun 1,5 år, men i den tid har Christian helt klart rykket CBS' budgetopfølgning og analyserne i forbindelse hermed et væsentlig stykke. Christian arbejder meget engageret, systematisk og meget kompetent og leverer i den grad opgaven. Christian havde personaleansvaret for budgetafdelingen og beviste mens han var på CBS, at han til fulde evner denne opgave. Christian har en god og rummelig tilgang til andre mennesker, men ved også hvornår han skal være fast og stå ved sine meninger. Jeg kommer til at savne Christian og hans pragmatiske tilgang til arbejdet, men ønsker ham al mulig held og lykke i hans fremtidige karriere..

Camilla Schreiner Andersen
Økonomichef, Anlægsøkonomi

Christian Krone has the ability to adjust into very difficult and tight scheduled deadlines. He can adopt new ideas very quickly. Nothing more to say about his understanding about financial management, he has demonstrated equal skills in human resources management (skillfully implemented MFA's introduction of new salary policy for locally employed staff in Dhaka), general administration, security issues (very nicely coordinated a kidnap case in Bangladesh), etc. He likes to set new paths for others to follow, like the way he has initiated Danida's involvement in public financial management in Bangladesh. He used to be the focal point on anti-corruption issues. He is also a very good organiser of trainings, workshops, and seminars. Above all else, he is a very polite social person, good and reliable colleague/supervisor, friend, and sportsman.

Sharif Ahmed
Chief Financial Officer at Embassy of Denmark in Bangladesh


Global Expertise in Compliance and anti-corruption